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Tip Wednesday - Invitation Envelopes

There are a lot of people for weddings, bar and bat mitzvah's who are sending invitations by email through paperless post or evite however a lot of people like stationary and the idea of sending out an actual paper invitation.

Addressing and sending out invitations are probably the most frustrating thing to do next to your seating plans. A couple of tips to make life easier.

1. If you are not going to order envelope sealers that match your logo to stick the envelope closed then make sure your envelope comes with a peel and seal closure. It might cost less then the sealer but makes it so much easier to close the envelope rather than going old school and licking every flap or using a sponge.

2. Envelope sealers are also amazing and you can have it printed with your logo, initials in your colours etc... all styles and shapes to continue the look of your invitation to the envelope.

Invitation envelope sealers

3. When sending your invitations out and you have a RSVP card and envelope - make sure you number the back of the RSVP envelope and write the number that corresponds with the name on your master list. Just in case someone sends back an RSVP card without a name you will know who it is.

4. Make sure you check off each envelope you send out on your master list of names.

5. If you don't have the time don't address the envelopes yourself, most printers offer to do it and it doesn't cost to much extra. Just make sure your address list is correct .... although you will get to proof of everything before you go to print.

6. If you are sending a RSVP envelope remember to put a stamp on the envelope.

Hope these tips help....#threetipswednesday

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